National Bacon Day, then sunshine

Last week was pretty sad, as two larger than life figures moved on from earthly ways.  We miss ya, Scamp McCain and Queen of Soul.  Heaven’s streets have two special souls on them now.

To shake out of my downer mood of loss, I celebrated, on cue, International Bacon Day on September 1st.  Two puzzling observations – first, why is our Labor Day holiday close by this celebratory day? Hmmm.  And second, why is National Bacon Day on December 30th?  Is that a tariff-driven split for pork?

Well, as the omnivore that I am, I do enjoy non-nitrated(uncured)  and lean bacon. I buy into suggested correlations between red meat and testosterone levels for guys (I haven’t looked into any suggested correlations for the ladies). And I enjoy its taste.

I’m off a mindset that a little of a good thing is wonderful (thanks Mae West). On a different yet distantly relevant thread for “just enough” of something, good old Dr. Weil blogged about just enough sunshine, Vitamin D and possible longevity links,

“While I wouldn’t bank on sunbathing to add years to your life, it is true that most adults are not getting enough vitamin D, which we need for bone health and, more and more research suggests, for protection against a number of diseases, including many types of cancer. Our best source of vitamin D is sun exposure. The trick is to know how much is enough. That depends on where you live and your skin type.”

Should you opt to disregard Dr. Weil (or perish the thought – your scribe),  I’ll bet Baby Boomers will listen to the Beatles and their GOOD DAY SUNSHINE lyrics to enjoy their vitamin D and tender moments:

“Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine,
Good day sunshine.
I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I’ve got something I can laugh about,
I feel good, in a special way.
I’m in love and it’s a sunny day.”


Have something to laugh about, enjoy a ‘lil pork belly (uncured) and be Well Past Forty…






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