Be an outlier! Keep healthy habits past National Quitters’ Day

National Quitters Day, January 19th, 2020 concluded yesterday.

STRAVA, a “go to” fitness application, has an inarguably ample Infobase of 48 million folks from which to make its annual marker for this national No Mas day. 

Should you believe that good habits- like wellness and lifestyle habits- take at least 21 days to take hold, this “drop” day in mid-January seems viable for anyone who couldn’t sustain his or her activity since their New Year’s Day resolution.   [Sadly, most New Year’s Day resolutions are early winter casualties 🙁 ]

Disturbing? Possibly.  Just human nature? Possibly.  Should you allow yourself to become a No Mas casualty this year or any year when New Year’s resolutions fail?  Absolutely not.

I disdain resolutions because many folks’ best intentions to resolve something in this New Year are ill-planned, or possibly disingenuous for true commitment. I love habits that are founded on clear planning and conscientious execution.

  • What are your Koach’s suggestions to be an outlier and a non-casualty of Quitter’s Day?

√ Do or do not, there is no try for a Jedi.

√ Find an enforcer to gently needle you to stay the course.

√ Document your plan, and definitely record your achievements to enable habits.

√ Make your planned achievements specific, measurable, realistic and attainable.  Be success-focused!

Whether your habit is focused on clean eating, or miles covered, or poundage lifted, remember Yoda’s challenge.  My Dad was a rather puritanical New Englander. He reminded me that the road to perdition was filled with good intentions.

Avoid that hellish roadway, and shift to good actions.


Be well and sustain habits to live longer and better! There is no quit in a KaBoomer.




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