Wishbones and Bees

I’m on a Robert Frost kick in lockdown days.  I’m also finishing Camus’ “THE PLAGUE” which is eerily fitting for our nation as a modern, hampered Algeria.

Back to my kick and Frost’s Yankee humor,

“A person will sometimes devote all his life to the development of

one part of his body— the wishbone.”

Your Koach raises his voice more than a little with, “DO NOT DO that!”

However, if you’re a follower of 16th-century writer John Aubrey, you’d discern that a wishbone – aka merrythought – resembled an anatomical region which could lead to merrier thoughts or action.

Be that somebody who likes merry thoughts and asks Why not? Be that someone who devotes proper time to, and develops skeletal muscle supporting the other 205 bones in our amazing bodies.  205 – unless you had wisdom teeth extracted.

Sure, we can wish this lockdown and pestilence would be over yesterday. Why not focus on what you can do to make your corner of this zany world a bit brighter, nicer and healthier?

Moving from a wish to a can not…

The Bumble Bee cannot fly


According to the laws of aerodynamics,

the bumblebee cannot fly;

Its body is too heavy for its wings and that’s the simple reason why.

But the bumblebee doesn’t know this fact, and so it flies anyway…


As poet A.S. Waldrop reminds us – don’t lose faith or hope…

as the impossible can possibly be(e)!


be well,




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