Higher & Hire homonyms

Before I blog about interesting word pairings relevant to Stamininety; I bid sad adieus to 2 special people:

  1. Comedian and all around “good guy” role model – Carl Reiner.

2. Para athlete [rower] and Guinness record holder – Angela Madsen.

Our crazy world now has big life holes that will be hard to fill. Yet streets of Heaven are better with its recent additions.

I grew up with shows like MARY TYLER MOORE in which Reiner had “wizardly” impacts. I was fortunate to collaborate with Angela for wounded warrior and “para-athlete” rowing for several years. These two folks lifted community spirits HIGHER!

Now – to our special KABOOMER word pairs or triads:

Higher and Hire

Weight and Wait / Weigh and Way

Ale and Ail

Eight and Ate

Blue and Blew

Chews and Choose

Chile and Chilly

Flew and Flu

Flower and Flour

Gene and Jean

Heal and Heel

Knew and New

No and Know

Morning and Mourning

Piece and Peace

Pear and Pair

Right and Write

Road and Rowed and Rode *

Soar and Sore

Waist and Waste

Week and Weak

My first serial homonym to natter on is – Road and Rowed and Rode. Some readers may note the sneaky inclusion of my favorite endurance activity :)…

I encourage KABOOMERS to tie on those good fitting and supportive running shoes unless you can run barefooted – and “hit the road, Jack “and Jill. I revere Ray Charles, yet Koach, encourage you to come back, rather than “don’t you come back” as Mr. Charles wrote and sang!

Even in our frustrating and variable clampdown, you can resourcefully and safely take to the road and trail. We’re focused on STAMINA for Stayin’ ALIVE after all! DO remember to invest a majority of your stamina activity – whatever you choose in “conversational/low-intensity MOVEMENT. Remember 80/20, please! Get on the road again…

And/or take your ROWED to greatness activity as pleasurable Stamina for STAYIN’ Alive. I’d wear you out if I shared all I want to share about Rowing as an awesome life-extending activity. Mixing up your endurance workouts and fun is important for most of us KABOOMEREs. Just keep this Wind in the Willows phrase by Kenneth Grahame in mind,

“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”

That’s what I’m writin’ about – Messabout

And/or Rode. One more plug for KABOOMER hybrid activities: I bought my indoor rower from a 1988 Olympic sculler. He stressed that the “high turnover” for bike pedaling helped him with fast-twitch (Type 1) muscle recruitment. Amen.


Now, a final safety mention for this Homonym triad – if you, like many, dusted off your in-line skates/rollerblades – BE CAREFUL out there (remember Sergeant Esterhaus’ admonition on Hill Street Blues).

Wear that helmet and pads for your joints. You’re not a young skater anymore.https://media.giphy.com/media/UopDTSrjqEG30ywtk4/source.mp4

Stay tuned for more homonyms. Find your best ale to drink before thirst this Holiday weekend, and remember Sgt Esterhaus, please.

Koach Dave

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