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September Stretches

Greetings in early Autumn!

How much Stretching is enough to keep you supple and to stay safer from injury?

Golly, I wish my answer was simple.  Professionals’ answers vary.  Your stretching routines and excursions are based on age, chosen activity, and your balance. Why balance?  Well, as an example, a side-plank hold with reach through stretch motion requires balance -see

If I am tight or sore – which tends to be every day that ends in a “Y” – I stretch.

As an AARP member, I peek at “my” large lobbying outfit’s website occasionally.  This stretch link did not disappoint me 🙂 and it was probably was worth my annual dues.

Today, most of us fitness pros advocate dynamic stretching before main workouts. What are dynamic stretches?  In short – you move, like lunging moves.  There are many to choose and tailor for your daily doings.  This youtube video gives you a good range of dynamic stretches to consider, then leverage.

Duh – your stretches should reflect your activity.  Runner’s dynamic stretches differ from rowers’.

Then, post workouts stretches are static, in which you hold a stretch position (with great breathing technique – btw) for 15-20 seconds. Redefine Strength shares this second stretch show.

Ranges of motion, proper breathing and balance are important.

Do not be in a rush, or skip your stretches, please!

Hey Dave, is it possible to stretch too much?  Probably – yet our muscles don’t mind if you have the time.  And DO make the time.

Be well,

Dave F.


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