A Man in Full

Say Hey, Willie…

I can think of no better man who fits Tom Wolfe’s descriptor of A Man in Full than #24 of the NY and SF Giants.

Willie’s joir de vivre, unique skills on the diamond, and larger-than-life presence impressed me in my Happy Days of yore.

He was a rising star when this optical illusion catch on B&W TV thrilled all (except for the Cleveland fans)

This gent never complained about the unfavorable winds and chill of the San Francisco ballparks where he roamed center field and batted. Some folks assert that the homerun record for MLB might have been his on more neutral fields.

Willie never complained about his military service.  He said that he got stronger and better while wearing an Army uniform.  Hats’ off!

He humbly left it to others to deem who the G O A T of baseball is. I know my vote!

My awe is based on his freakish physical skills, AND on his mental approach.  If there ever was a person with fine Mind-Body-Alignment, a MBA, it was Willie Mays.  He offered,

“In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport. You must also be prepared to work hard and be willing to accept constructive criticism. Without one-hundred percent dedication, you won’t be able to do this.”

RIP Number 24.

Why not strive to better your own MBA? Do the work, cope and find your own joie-de-vivre.



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