Morning Calm

I’ll get to positivity, courage under fire, and a country named Land of the Morning Calm after a brief bit of US History – – –

Nearly three-score years ago, our Great Society was wracked by riots from sea to shining sea.

As LA’s WATTS neighborhood burned, a high school classmate of mine was shot and wounded in an Asbury Park, NJ incident. That was a VERY bad summer of ’65.

1992 – Federal troops were called by Bush 41 to help manage urban unrest in Los Angeles after Rodney King was beaten.

Now, in the “City of Angels” and in many other urban areas, peaceful and riotous groups are wracking our nation’s psyche.

Some things are very very wrong with these pictures we cannot miss!

What can I do, when times that try mens’ and womens’ souls seem too hot to handle?

I’m spending quiet time, chatting with the Man (or Woman) upstairs and listening for cues as to how I can be a better neighbor.

My supplications ask help in moving from “States of emergency” to islands and lands of morning calm.

A favorite country to visit is South Korea – which isThe Land of the Morning Calm.” Few who travel there miss “spellbinding natural beauty of picturesque high mountains and clear waters and its splendid tranquillity…”

Oh – to be spellbound by pictures other than burning public buildings! Oh – for more Americans to enjoy “domestic tranquility” as our Founding Fathers pined.

I’m doing my best to walk the talk of the PLATINUM Rule – which I encourage all my college students to consider for themselves:

Treat others as they would like to be treated.” 

Platinum is a different precious metal than is Gold. This Rule that I try to live by is different from the Golden Rule, which many of us learned in our Bile Schools and homes. Do you remember this Rule which is also found in most religious faiths and cultures,

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?”

As offers, “Treating others as we want to be treated doesn’t take into account that the other people in question might not experience things in the same way we do. Sometimes it’s not even close.” I won’t venture into the swamp of a sardonic version of that Golden Rule, “he or she who has the Gold…rules.”

I will venture into actions to make positive differences, however small they may be and however those may resemble platinum. Why?

These days, it is a flash of the obvious than too MANY of US are “not even close.

As folks like me are finding acts of kindness, all of “us” should benefit from calming practices, which, in this double whammy period, are VERY good incidentals for boosting our immunity too.

“We may not have the ability to change the circumstances or situations we are in, but we do have the ability to shift how we respond to them.” 

Will and James

I invested many words in a KABOOMER book chapter to share research and convictions for DE-stressing, chilling, and maintaining CALM. Yes, you can! Your Koach’s approach??? I…

Breathe mindfully

Get away from CNN and try to stay off the screen grid for extended times

Move to sweat to get those happy hormones pulsing through your system

Am grateful and try to laugh mucho!

Don’t over-think external circumstances. Rather, I DO shift my tactics and techniques to act as others want to be treated in these most unfortunate traumas in our sensational spring of 2020.

PLEASE Be Safe, Mindful and maintain your healthy habits,


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